• 24 Oct, 2024

How to Stop Your Child's Smartphone Addiction

How to Stop Your Child's Smartphone Addiction

Today's online environment makes it difficult for parents to keep their kids off screens. But there are certain benefits to employing the media. Tablets and smartphones are become essential teaching tools for kids in the modern world. The online world has many benefits, but it may also be incredibly addictive and hurt a child's development. Unrestrained media consumption might cause kids to exhibit negative traits. You should be aware of how to stop your youngster from being dependent on their smartphone.

➱Smartphone’s negative impacts

Teens spend roughly 9 hours a day in front of screens, while children (8-12) spend 6 hours- according to surveys. Smartphones harm kids. The following are some of the negative consequences of children’s excessive smartphone use:

  • Problems with behavior
  • Addiction
  • Depression
  • Disruptions in sleep
  • Obesity
  • Delay in social progress
  • Hearing and attention problems
  • Nervous system disorders are a common occurrence.

Keeping children away from devices can be a difficult challenge, and it can lead to withdrawal symptoms such as a loss of appetite and temper outbursts.

➱Here are Unique Ways Break Your Child’s Smartphone Addiction in a Creative Manner:

❖Time for a break


 Kids have a lot of energy and it should be invested effectively. Make sure your kids do something active frequently. Indulge them in mini strolls and stretching exercises every 30 mins. Bodies need to move and habits form young. Encourage them to be active. It’s important to break up screen time and move around.

Other things should take precedence:

Before allowing your child to use a mobile device, make sure they have completed their homework, studying, and chores. From an early age, this aids in the establishment of clear priorities.

❖Make a media strategy:


 The best way to curb the unrestricted consumption of media is to prepare a formal family media plan. This is a systematic approach to help your child use media responsibly right from the very beginning.

Do not use Smartphone as reward or Distraction


Smartphones have the potential to be beneficial to children’s education. It is not advisable to completely abstain from it. Here, moderation is crucial. Many parents use screen time to motivate their children to study, do schoolwork, or help around the house, but this may cause more harm than good. Use of the smartphone as a diversion or a reward should be avoided because it might have negative consequences for the children.

Indulge them in activity-based learning:


 Kids use phones for fun and entertainment purposes. Kids love challenges. Mobile games are attractive as they pose challenges at every new level. By engaging kids in activity-based learning, they can gain knowledge while having fun.

Maintain a strict smartphone schedule


Setting aside enough time allows parents to keep track of and limit the amount of time spent on electronics and avoid excessive smartphone use. Parents can develop the habit of routine in their children by introducing a schedule, which will prevent them from spending too much time in front of the screen. Smartphones have become an inseparable part of our lives, and keeping them away from children is challenging. As a result, teach your kids that they can only use your smartphone for a certain amount of time. Other things to consider:

  • When your child is there, keep your phone usage to a minimum.
  • No Phones during mealtime
  • Before going to bed, don’t watch TV or use your phone.
  • Don’t give in to your child’s ridiculous demands.

Bond with your child:


These days parents lead very busy lives and the time they get to spend with their children becomes limited. Therefore, it is important to take the time out for bonding activities with children. Playing board games or engaging your child in activities like cleaning, cooking or gardening will keep her away from smartphones. Encourage your child to pursue hobbies such as listening to music, playing an instrument, reading, or painting. Spend your weekends doing fun family activities like swimming, playing games, watching movies, etc.

❖Active supervision:


When children are immersed in the online world, they pay little attention to their posture, screen brightness, or screen distance from their eyes. Active monitoring is required to assist the child in maintaining appropriate posture while also providing a fantastic opportunity to co-engage with your children while they use the screen. This promotes social interaction, bonding, and educational opportunities. Interact with them while monitoring to gain a better understanding of what they’re doing. Also, assist them in overcoming any obstacles.

❖Encourage playtime


 Physical play stimulates the brain. Activities that involve physical movements allow children to use their energy and give children the chance to develop gross and fine motor skills, learn new things and socialize. It hugely benefits the physical and mental health of a child.

❖Encourage face-to-face conversations


Studies suggest that two-way dialogue with children is far more beneficial than passive listening or one-way interaction with a screen in terms of language development. Parents should organize time for face-to-face communication or video calls with distant parents and grandparents to enhance successful communication skills;

❖Communicate with your child


Humans are visual creatures. The vibrant colours and animations appearing on the smartphone screen appeal greatly to children. So parents must make their children aware of the harmful effects of mobile phone use on health. Educate your children by showing various videos on the adverse effects of smartphone usage.

❖Create a password


Let’s face it, it is not always possible for you to be around your child and monitor them. In situations like these, technology itself can come to your rescue. Set a password on your phone to avoid the usage of the phone by your child in your absence.

❖Be an excellent role model for others


Your actions teach children more than your words. They are keen observers who imitate their parents’ habits. It is critical to establish and adhere to tight guidelines. Limiting your smartphone usage allows you to spend more time with your kid. These interactions with your child are critical in developing a good parent-child relationship, which is frequently undervalued.

Many parents spend considerable time on their smartphones while instructing their children not to. Children are compelled to follow in their parents’ footsteps in these situations. You should practice what you preach. Limit your smartphone usage to set a good example for your child.